Building Exterior Forensic Analysis 

CRI conducts comprehensive exterior building assessments. CRI analyzes the exterior component(s) in question, considers the adjoining components holistically, and concludes with an in-depth explanation to the client of what they own, the existing issues, the client's recommended repair/replacement choices, and budgets for those choices so the client can make their own informed decisions. Our study often includes destructive and non-destructive testing of components that can consist of roofing, stone facades, masonry facades, windows, doors, curtain walls, storefronts, below-grade waterproofing, structural concrete structures like parking decks and plaza decks, and all building envelope components.


CRI also uses technology when appropriate that can include moisture probes, capacitance meters, laboratory analysis, absorption tests, as well as infrared moisture detection to ensure an accurate diagnosis.


CRI doesn't sell or install products; CRI is an independent expert in building envelopes that supplies building owners with information to make their own decisions.